Technical specifications


Body of work

Acrylics, oils and mixed media


Variable measures



Essential Elements


 "Everything in nature constantly invites us to be what we are”.

 Gretel Ehrlich


"The goal of life is to make your heart beat

matches the beat of the universe, so that your nature

matches Nature”.


Joseph Campbell



The four elements, Land, Fire, Water and Air, were which inspired me for this work. From these ones, I associated the energy of each one with the stages of life.

Land; is the surface of the earth's crust, composed of mineral and organic matter on which the plants grow or it is destined for cultivation. The moment where we create ourselves, we are born, and we grow. It is the most organic, nutrition. The rings of the trunk of the tree, which are associated with our constitution as human beings.

Fire; it is heat and light produced by combustion. In a figurative sense, fire is the burning that excites some passions of the mood; like love, anger, among others. This stage is related to youth, where everything is energy, doing, skin deep emotions; the movement; what causes you the feeling that you can do everything.

Water; it is liquid substance without odor, color or flavor found in nature. However, water is necessary for survival, and contemplating it generates peace and tranquility. Here it would be the ideal goal to achieve, to reach the situation of feeling that you can do and enjoy quieter stage, where experiences and learning, prevail to the haste and pressure.

Air; its etymological origin arises from Latin and comes from the Greek word ero, which can be translated as "up" or "raise". Everything has a beginning and an end. I relate the air, to the ephemeral, what transports and transmutes. The transfer of the organic to the spiritual plane.

And what happens next, nobody knows. However, we know that the physical is transformed, we disincarnate towards the light and I want to believe, that what we transform ourselves into is, Beings of Light, where the union among all, is light; the vital energy that moves the universe.

Each step, each stage, is synthesized in the work Harmony in Chaos. We start from a chaos in constant movement, we are ordained, and guided by the light, we make the eternal and inexorable journey of chaos to order, between darkness and light. The moment we arrive at the nucleus of the circle, we understand who we are and the meaning of our own life.