Technical specifications


Video installation

4'26 "single channel loop video

12 pictures

Variable measures

Emotional Footprints-Astrological moons


"All reflection about the Moon is inevitably traversed

 by the archetype of its two faces: one luminous and visible,

 the other dark and invisible.

Nothing that is said about it can escape this tension,

by which a quality suddenly becomes into its opposite,

 or a limitation or lack is revealed as power and vitality ".


Eugenio Carutti


I face this new project, with the intention of merging the topics of my interest and study: Art & Astrology.

Astrology is an instrument that starts from scientific astronomy and it serves to connect the mind to the soul of the universe. It helps to understand our growth and transformation spiritually and psychologically.

The study of astrology is a slow process, it is the learning of a new language, signs, and symbology that takes time, and I believe that a person to never stops adding new knowledge. It is something totally analogous to art.

It should be clarified that, to make a complete analysis of a person's behavior, in astrological terms, it is necessary to study in detail his/her natal chart, with multiple elements, conjunctions and transits.

 Astrology demands the harmonious development of two apparently contradictory functions:

* The ability to remain in contact with wholes, without splitting them into separate forms and, at the same time,

* The ability of discrimination that allows to establish distinctions and to differentiate


As astrology and art are very broad and complex issues, I decided to start with one of the elements of astrology: “Moons”: the representation of emotions, feelings, and affective reactions.

In this project, far from analyzing a particular person, what interested me is, through drawing and other techniques, was to find a relationship between the qualities of each moon (they are 12 moons, represented by each sign of the zodiac), their talents and shelters, and the plastic expressiveness of these ones.

It is therefore necessary to synthesize the information and reduce it to the most basic characteristics, to then saphing it or try it at least, through the line, overlapping and transparencies.